Instant Deal

Instant Deal is used to create immediate offers for customers without requiring discount codes or special conditions.

– In the menu bar, navigate to Marketing Instant Deal.

1. Create a deal

– Click New deal, fill out the required information.

+ Deal Title: Name of the deal.

+ Deal Content: Details and conditions of your promotion.

+ Deal Value: the value of the deal, which can be a specific amount or a percentage.

+ Expired Date: Deal end time.

+ Limit number of people can subscribe: Enter 0 if unlimited.


– Select Deal theme, then click Save.

*Note: One time use only.

2. Edit a deal

– Click on the deal name to edit deal information.

Modify the deal information, then click Save.


3. Use the deal link

– Click View to display the deal.

Copy link: This link can be sent via email using Blast Email or via SMS using Send SMS.

– Click on Deal subscriber list to see clients who have redeemed the deal.

– The list of clients who have received the deal but haven’t used it will be in Pending status.

– Click on the client’s name → Redeem to use the deal for the client.

4. Delete a deal

– Select the deal you want to delete → Click Delete deal.


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